Learn more about returning seller fulfilled items. If you do not receive a response from the seller for your return request within two business days, you can submit an A-to-Z Guarantee claim. If you’ve received a seller-fulfilled product in a condition that is damaged, defective or different from its description on the product detail page on Amazon.in, returns are subject to the seller's approval of the return. The return timelines for seller-fulfilled items sold on Amazon.in are equivalent to the return timelines mentioned above for items fulfilled by Amazon. All you need to do is visit our website or call our toll-free number - 1800 220 506. Most importantly, raising a repair request is super easy. Secondly, your plan is auto-activated as soon as you buy it, thus no need to fill any forms for activation. Email Delivery of Pre-Activated plans: To save paper, we will deliver your plan details via email only.
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To ensure a hassle-free experience, we either provide free Pick & Drop for your devices or send an expert engineer to your home for repairs. That is why we service 99.4% of the services raised against our protection plans. No questions will be asked about how it is not working at the first place. So, if it is not working, it is our responsibility to fix it. “No Questions Asked” hassle-free plans: We promise to cover your device & appliance.The plan can be purchase within 6 months from the product purchase date & refurbished products are not covered. Products that carry a manufacturer's warranty valid in India for at least 1 year at the time of purchase are eligible for this plan. This program is completely cashless with no hidden fees or charges. All Costs are Covered: Whether it is costs of repairs, labor, transportation, or taxes, we cover all the charges associated with repairing your device.If we cannot repair the device within time, we will give you a replacement free of cost. Repair or Replacement Guarantee: We understand that you cannot stay without your device for a long time hence we guarantee that your device will be repaired and returned to you in a specified amount of time.Service may be availed as many times as required, however, the coverage amount is limited up to the invoice value of the device. It does not cover any physical or liquid damage, accessories like remote/adapters, consumables, or parts not covered under standard manufacturer warranty. Plan Coverage - Extended Warranty covers all defects and malfunctions as covered in a standard manufacturer’s warranty.This weekend, Rory shares more information on our exciting Battle For Britain UK schedule and Wendy brings a message that is on her heart concerning divine affirmation.Ĭlick here to read more about Behind the Screensīe equipped to build and empower others in their walks with God as Steve Thompson and team talk on Advanced Prophetic Equipping for two sessions. It’s begun here, but the next wave of what God’s doing is going to be something that’s global…”, says Todd Bentley.Ĭlick here to read more about the Florida Healing Outpouring “I know that what’s happening here in Florida is so much bigger than Florida. Watch as the supernatural power of God is displayed.Ĭlick here to read more about the Summer Campmeeting, Florida If your spirit is in need of refreshing, tune in to Rodney Howard-Browne’s Summer Campmeeting. “We’re believing for something new, something significant and something very powerful,” says host Brian Houston.Ĭlick here to read more about the Hillsong Conference
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Tune in daily for the full five days for inspirational teaching and worship along with the world-renowned Hillsong music team and top US youth band, Leeland. This year, ever-popular Joyce Meyer is back along with a number of new faces to Hillsong, including leading UK youth evangelist, Mike Pilavachi. With 26,000 delegates attending last year, the annual Hillsong conference is one of Australia’s largest Christian events and always features an incredible line-up of speakers.