
Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal
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  1. #Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal pdf
  2. #Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal Pc

The “deep mountain rumble” from Ettin Battle will also help sell the illusion. Locked Oaken Door - There are sounds in Dungeon Depths for smashing the door (and in Friendly Tavern for the audible glammer/ghost sounds) and the tilting hallway, and then sounds of lava/melting flesh in the Hell set if anyone falls into the flames below the hallway.įalse Crypt - Undead Battle will serve you here, and when the room begins to “collapse”, using the “tumbling rocks” from Mountain Pass, and “crumbling building” from Red Dragon City Raid. There’s also some gas traps, and Elements - Horror has several “mist” sounds that will be useful. Room of Three Chests - Poison dart traps again (that dastardly demi-lich) along with asps and giant skeletons, oh my! Mountain Pass has “lizard hisses” for the snakes, and Undead Battle should serve your skeleton needs.Ĭhapel of Evil - There’s multiple spell traps here, so check your universal spell one-shots, as well as the spell effects in Ezren - Male Wizard. Three-Armed Statue room - There will be a lot of gem-crushing, so the “tumbling rocks” sound from Mountain Pass might be useful here. Also some of the doors are false and trapped, so trap sounds ready again!

dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal

Great Hall of Spheres - Fooling around with these secret doors will possibly get someone teleported back to the entrance, naked, so have your teleport sound from the Hell set ready. And some “tension level” music from Elements - Horror to make things more urgent. Or even just the Dragon Battle, minus the deepest growls and breath weapon sounds.Ĭomplex of Secret Doors - pull out your trap sounds again, because there’s going to be a lot going off! The poison dart trap from Kobold Lair will be helpful here. Or just the Ogre set with some wingbeats and claws from Dragon Battle. If they manage to flip all the levers, use some of the trap sounds from Dungeon Depths or Kobold Lair.įor the Gargoyle Lair fight, you could use the “Sins of the Saviors part 5 & 6” which has a “stone golem” mood. If someone ends up in the Forsaken Prison (poor sod), I’d use some “lonely wind” from Elements - Wind to underscore their wretched solitude. The “psycho screams” of Abandoned Lunatic Asylum or the “ouchy noises” from Tavern Brawl might suit. If your players are foolish enough to stick a limb (or a head) through the mouth of the Face of the Great Green Devil, honestly I wouldn’t give them any other sound than some screaming. The teleportation effect that can be represented by the “teleportation activation” in the Hell soundtrack. The mist-filled doorway could be enhanced by the “apparition” mood of the Elements - Horror soundset. The Kobold Lair also has some useful trap sounds for the various traps.

#Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal Pc

Perhaps a universal “Wilhelm scream” for the unfortunate PC who doesn’t detect the trap.

dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal

The Tomb is rife with pit traps, starting with the first corridor - the “trap sprung” sound from Dungeon Depths, maybe combined with “dagger pierce” sound from Mersial - Female Rogue, or just the “weapon impact” universal one-shot for pit spikes. There’s a sliding stone sound in Dungeon Depths, and a sound of heavy falling stone in Red Dragon City Raid, specifically the crumbling building one-shot. There are a couple false entrances to the tomb, which cause either a rockfall or a sliding stone to block the way/squish slow adventurers/trap them to die. Overall, the most important ones you’ll need are Dungeon Depths for atmosphere and trap sounds, Kobold Lair for trap sounds, Elements - Horror or Spooky for scary atmosphere, and Shimmering Veils/Disjunction Chamber for places were awe is needed or for chambers with lots of magical auras. SPOILERS AHOY FOR ORIGINAL S1 TOMB OF HORRORS!

#Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal pdf

Ok, I bought myself a PDF of the original Tomb of Horrors, so let’s take a look at what you’d need for that.

Dnd 5e tales from the yawning portal